
Section: ET++ method description (n)
Updated: automatically Fri Mar 1 10:54:57 1991
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Object::PrintOn - instance method  


outputStream = ostream & PrintOn(ostream & outputStream)  


public virtual  


PrintOn is the hook for the operator<< and has to apply operator<< to outputStream and to the receiver's instance variables. PrintOn is the counterpart of ReadFrom, and PrintOn and ReadFrom are always overridden together. PrintOn must be overridden in pre-order (and also ReadFrom). The order of applications of operator<< and the call to the base class's PrintOn must be absolutely symmetrical to the corresponding calls in ReadFrom, except for the white spaces delimiting the values written to the output.
Note that the operator<< and operator>> do the pointer book-keeping. They properly handle nil pointers.
The delimiting white spaces are indispensable for the parsing when reading the values back, so every application of operator<< to an instance variable must be followed by an operator<< <white_space(s)>. There are two macros, SP and NL, for that purpose. It is strongly recommended not to write strings of delimiting white spaces literally, but to use these macros to localize the delimiting output, and to make the code more expressive. SP is defined as <code << "">, and NL as << "\n".

The implementation of Object::PrintOn is special insofar that it also handles the writing of the receiver's observers (see also PrintOnWhenObserved).

Note that fully functional dependent objects and auxiliary objects need not to be output. It also makes no sense or might even cause problems if non-part objects are output. The prototypical example for such a non-part object is the so-called next handler of an EvtHandler.

See also technote 'Object Input/Output'.

I/O of non-regular objects

For all C++ basic data types and standard ET++ built-ins, overloadings of operator<< and operator>> are provided. For C++ enumerations and for the type bool declared by ET++ however, this is not the case. Such values are to be be transformed by means of Enum, and Bool respectively.

Furthermore, there is the pair of the functions PrintString and ReadString for stream i/o of strings in general (see String.[hC]). It is strongly recommended to use them for variables of the type char * or byte *. (The overloaded operator>> for (char *) does not allocate memory because the operator cannot determine wether this pointer points to dynamically allocated memory or not.)

Schematic example for PrintOn:

// file: B.h 

#include "A.h"

enum SomeEnum {

class B : public A {
    B() { ... };

    void InitNew();
    ostream &PrintOn(ostream &);
    istream &ReadFrom(istream &);    
    Object *anObject0,          // part object
           *anObject1,          // part object
           *someObject;         // functional dependent object
           *auxObject;          // independent auxilliar object
    A someA;
    Point aPoint;
    byte *aString;
    SomeEnum anEnum;
    bool aBool;

// file: B.C

void B::InitNew()
    anObject0= 0;                   // anObject0 is created on demand,
    anObject1= new AnyObject();     // but anObject1 is created now for some
                                    // reasons
    someObject= 0;                  // someObject is functional dependent,
                                    // but cannot constructed now since
                                    // the values of the other variables
                                    // is not yet kown.
    auxObject= new ...;             // auxilliar object is created here
    aString= 0;                     // assertion

ostream& B::PrintOn(ostream& os)
    A::PrintOn(os);   // base class' PrintOn !!
    os << anObject0 SP << anObject1 SP << someA SP << aPoint NL;    
    PrintString(os, aString);   // no delimiters needed
    os << Enum(anEnum) SP << Bool(aBool) NL;
    return os;

istream& B::ReadFrom(istream& is)
    A::ReadFrom(is);            // base class' ReadFrom
    SafeDelete(anObject1);      // has been created in B::InitNew 
    os >> anObject0 >> anObject1 >> someA >> aPoint;
    ReadString(is, &aString);   // allocates memory for aString
                                // note the signature of ReadString !
    is >> Enum(anEnum) >> Bool(aBool);

    someObject= ...;            // now create functional dependent objects
    return is;

Hint: Since a file written with Object I/O is text, it can be inspected with a text editor. Appropriately placing NL's eases such inspections. Method is often overridden.  


ostream & outputStream

the output stream where the object is to be printed on


ostream & outputStream

identical to outputStream
given as argument (allows concatenation syntax)


object i/o, overrider interface



class Object  





Note that the pointer book-keeping is done for Objects only, but not by ReadString or PrintString.
Non-regular pointers, for instance (int *) or (Point *), are written as hexadecimal values. Output of such pointers makes no sense in general. The client should either avoid such cases, or handle them by additional measures. The better solution is to avoid them.
Note that the pointer book-keeping is global; the book-keeping table must be reset in some cases by the client (see ClassManager::Reset). If output of an object graph is unintentionally interlaced with Object input, for instance by a DeepClone operation, then the output written to the stream is wrong since DeepClone called ClassManager::Reset. There are other comparable cases. This problem will be alleviated in future versions by a slightly different concept that assigns the book-keeping task to the so-called object streams.




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